Congrès SFE 2022


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Anatomie, physiologie et pathologie des sinus paranasaux (la sinusite maxillaire odontogène en relation avec une lésion d’origine endodontique), et approche thérapeutique combinée ORL-dentiste

La connaissance précise de l’anatomie et de la physiologie des différents sinus de la face, ainsi que les possibilités diagnostiques en consultation du chirurgien ORL, médicales et chirurgicales sur le plan thérapeutique, permettent d’améliorer la prise en charge combinée des ces pathologies par le binôme ORL/Dentiste.

Dr Roderick TATARYN

The surgical endodontics and the maxillary sinus

In this lecture, Dr. Tataryn presents techniques for performing successful periapical surgery in the posterior maxilla with special regard for the maxillary sinus.  The anatomical complexity of maxillary molars and the variety of dental root relationships to the maxillary sinus floor will be discussed, as well as the effects of endodontic disease on the sinus tissues.  Effective surgical treatment based on these anatomic variations will be discussed with detailed case examples, including management of sinus perforations, healing of sinus osteotomies, and choosing approaches for palatal root resection.


D printing in guided endodontic microsurgery

2022 is a year that patients should be receiving cutting edge endodontic treatment. Alongside with the low radiation Cone beam CT scanners that have revolutionized diagnosis in our discipline, the evolution in software, artificial intelligence and digital dentistry in general, are leading contemporary endodontic practice to treatment capabilities that were non existing only few years ago. This lecture is about guided microsurgery and will deal with th eplanning, the workflow and clinical application of 3D printed guides  for surgical endodontic retreatment.

Dr Gianluca PLOTINO & Dr Nicola GRANDE

Intentional replantation

Intentional replantation together with other extraoral dental conservative treatments such as dental transposition and surgical extrusion has been a well known procedure in dental literature but not so much diffused in last years. The improvement in technology with the use of CBCT, magnification and new biomaterials facilitated the rediscovery and the predictability of these therapies. Step by step protocols and clinical applications will be illustrated and discussed together with focused key literature.