Congrès SFE 2019

Les dernières évolutions de la dentisterie dite « moderne » concernent l’économie tissulaire. Ce concept de préservation tissulaire donne lieu à de nombreuses discussions et à une certaine effervescence sur les réseaux sociaux. Naturellement, l’endodontie est concernée. Lors de ce congrès de 2019, nous vous proposons de revisiter le diagnostic pulpaire afin d’envisager l’ensemble des thérapeutiques de vitalité pulpaire (Pr Dan Rechenberg (Zurich)). Nous verrons ensuite quels sont les enjeux biomécaniques des dents dépulpées (Pr Anil kishen (Toronto)) et comment la technologie (3D printing) peut se révéler un allié précieux des cas complexes en endodontie (Dr Mathias Connert (Basel)). Enfin, une synthèse clinique permettra de comprendre s’il est possible de concilier les impératifs de mise en forme « a minima » et de désinfection (Dr Carlos Boveda (Caracas)).
Une MasterClass sur le développement de nouveaux nanobiomatériaux dédiés à l’endodontie sera donnée par le Pr Anil kishen (Toronto). La société française d’Endodontie vous propose également des travaux pratiques originaux en pré-cours. Afin d’entretenir la convivialité et la passion qui nous lie, nous vous invitons à une séance interactive et à la remise du prix Paul Calas. Venez nombreux, profitez des « experts » et donnez-nous votre avis !

Il vous faut dans un premier temps être membre de la SFE  en achetant une cotisation : Espace adhérent – devenir membre.

Si vous êtes déjà membre de la SFE pour l’année 2019, il vous faut alors créer un compte en choisissant un mot de passe : Espace adhérent – Rubrique « S’enregistrer ».  Votre compte sera activé manuellement sous quelques heures et vous pourrez ensuite vous inscrire en ligne !


Lieu : Faculté d’odontologie : 2 rue de Braga à Clermont Ferrand

Au choix :

  • MASTERCLASS : 13h00 – 17h00 : « New development in nanobiomaterials in Endodontic » (Pr Anil Kishen, Canada)


TRAVAUX PRATIQUES : 13h00 – 17h00 « Cavité d’accès minimalement invasive : de la planification à la réalisation » 

Il reste des places !

 Le TP comprendra 2 parties:

-1ère partie: plannification du dessin de la cavité à l’aide de logiciel de lecture et de plannification (3D Endo de Sirona), puis plannification d’un guide d’accès pour dent calcifiée en CAD/CAM

-2ème partie: démonstration d’une cavité d’accès guidée suite au CAD/CAM, et réalisation de cavités d’accès « minimallement invasive » sur répliques dentaires sous microscope avec kit de microfraises

20h00 :

  • Assemblée Générale de la SFE : Restaurant Pavillon Lecoq : 2 boulevard Lafayette, Clermont-Ferrand


Lieu : Faculté d’odontologie : 2 rue de Braga à Clermont Ferrand

  • 8h30-9h : Café d'accueil
  • 9h-9h15 : Mot d’accueil

  • 9h15-10h45 : Thérapeutiques de vitalité pulpaires (Vital pulp Therapy)  (Pr Dan Rechenberg, Switzerland) 

  • 10h45-11h15 : Pause Café
  • 11h15-12h45 : Aspects biomécaniques des dents dépulpées (Biomechanical aspects of root canal treated teeth)  (Pr Anil Kishen, Canada)

  • 12h45-14h00 : Cocktail déjeunatoire
  • 14h00-15h30 : Applications de l’impression 3D en endodontie (Application of 3D printing in endodontics)  (Dr Thomas Connert, Switzerland)

  • 15h30-16h00 : Pause Café
  • 16h00-17h30 : Application clinique de l’endodontie minimalement invasive dans la pratique quotidienne (Clinical application of minimally invasive concepts in endodontics on a real day basis) (Dr Carlos Boveda, Venezuela)

  • 17h30-18h00 : Prix Paul Calas

  • 19h30 : SOIREE DE GALA au Vulcania : 2 route de Mazayes à Saint-Ours-les Roche


Lieu : Faculté d’odontologie : 2 rue de Braga à Clermont Ferrand

8h30-9h00 : Café d'accueil

9h00-10h45 : séance interactive cas clinique

10h45-11h15 : Pause Café

11h15-13h00 : séance interactive cas clinique

13h00-14h00 : cocktail déjeunatoire


Vital Pulp Therapy as an Alternative to Root Canal Treatment: Dream or Reality?

In the vast majority of cases, microbial challenge is the main cause for a pulp to become inflamed. Historically, severe pulpal and periapical inflammation was treated by extraction of the affected tooth. However, because of the increasing understanding of fundamental biological principals and technical advances, the concept of chemo-mechanical root canal disinfection was introduced in the early days of the last century. Thousands of teeth could be preserved, which would otherwise have had to be removed. Nevertheless, conventional root canal treatment (pulpectomy) frequently is an overtreatment, especially in cases with minor inflammation restricted to the coronal part of the pulp. This may be a disadvantage, especially when considering that vital pulpal tissue shows efficient protective mechanisms, and great healing capacities. The aims of ‘new age dentistry’ involve prevention of disease, minimal invasive therapies, and regenerative procedures. In this context, and particularly considering recent advances in biomaterials, vital pulp therapy must be re-evaluated. The success of this approach greatly depends on i) the absence of microorganisms, and ii) the pulpal immunocompetence/absence of inflammation. Unfortunately, both aspects cannot be reliably determined clinically. Current diagnostic regimes neither reflect the actual stage of pulpal inflammation accurately, nor do they reliably predict the chance for pulpal survival after (vital pulp) treatment. One cornerstone for the success of these approaches could be improved pulpal diagnostics.


University of Zürich

Dr. Dan-Krister Rechenberg is a senior lecturer at the Division of Endodontology, Clinic for Preventive Dentistry, Periodontology, and Cariology at the University of Zurich in Switzerland. He graduated in Germany from the University of Göttingen, School of Dental Medicine in 2005. After finishing dental school he worked at the University of Göttingen, and then the University of Zurich, where he received his doctoral degree in dentistry (Dr. med. dent.). In 2012 Dr. Rechenberg completed the postgraduate endodontic program at the Univeristy of Zurich, became a certified member of the Swiss Society of Endodontology (SSE), and the European Society of Endodontology (ESE). In 2017 he received the venia legendi (private docent title) from the University of Zurich. Currently he is Co-Head of the postgraduate endodontic program at the Univeristy of Zurich. Dr. Rechenberg is on the editorial board of the International Endodontic Journal and acts as a reviewer for the Journal of Endodontics and other dental journals. His main research focus is currently on molecular diagnostics of pulpal and periapical disease.


Biomechanical aspects of root canal treated teeth

 A tooth serves as a mechanical device for masticating food. An intact natural tooth experiences flexing or bending during chewing. Dentin structure forms the foundation in distributing functional forces efficiently to the supporting structures. In recent years there has been a rising trend towards preserving dentin in order to improve the resistance to fracture in root-filled teeth. Whilst fractures in root-filled teeth are not an uncommon occurrence in clinical practice, several iatrogenic and non-iatrogenic factors have been noted to be responsible for the increased risk of fractures in in root-filled teeth. Iatrogenic procedures resulting in removal of dentin, aggressive instrumentation/obturation techniques, indiscriminate use of chemical irrigants/ medicament, restorative steps, while non-iatrogenic factors such as age, preexisting cracks, disease mediated changes in dentin have all been suggested to alter the mechanical characteristics of dentin. Unfortunately, scientific understandings on the causes of fracture predilection in root-filled teeth is lacking. This lecture will provide a biomechanical basis to understand (a) the response of tooth structure to forces, and (b) the risk factors that increases the propensity of fractures in root-filled teeth.

Anil Kishen BDS, MDS, PhD
Professor, Endodontic Program
Graduate Coordinator, Graduate Education
Principal Investigator, Dental Research Institute
Affiliated Member, Institute of Optical Sciences, University of Toronto
Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto
Toronto, Canada

Anil Kishen graduated with a Bachelor of Dental Surgery from the University of Madras, and Master of Dental Surgery in Endodontics & Conservative Dentistry from Tamil-nadu Dr. M.G.R Medical University from Madras, India. He subsequently received his PhD in Biomedical Engineering from the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. After his stint as Assistant and Tenured Associate Professor at the Faculty of Dentistry in the National University of Singapore, he moved to the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Toronto, where he is currently a Full Professor in Endodontics Program and Graduate Coordinator for Graduate Education Unit. Prior to Faculty restructuring, Dr. Kishen served as the Head of Discipline of Endodontics from 2012 to 2016.

Dr. Kishen has published over 130 peer-reviewed journal publications, and is a co-inventor in 10 patents/invention disclosures. He is a recipient of several awards and honors including, The Enterprise Challenge Innovator Award in Singapore 2002, University of Toronto Dental Student Society (DSS) Honorary Member Award 2013, Honorary Diplomate of the Indian Board of Endodontics 2013, the American Association of Endodontists (AAE) Foundation-Denstply-Research Excellence Award 2013 and the Journal of Endodontics Publication Awards 2015, 2016 and W. W. Wood Award 2016. He has published 20 book chapters, and has edited three interdisciplinary textbooks. He currently serves as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Endodontics, BMC Microbiology, Clinical Oral Investigations, as well as an Editorial Board Member for several international journals. Dr. Kishen has presented over 140 plenary/invited lectures worldwide on different topics pertaining to Endodontics and Dental Research. At the University of Toronto, Dr. Kishen is involved in the DDS as well as graduate-level teachings. As a Principal Investigator, his research focuses on developing engineered bioactive nanoparticles for functional tissue engineering and wound healing. Dr. Kishen is a strong advocate for high-quality translational research benefiting patient care.


Application of 3D printing in endodontics

“Digital Dentistry” is definitely on the rise. Techniques like cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) and digital intraoral surface scans are meanwhile daily business in practices all over the world.

The use of 3D printing in dentistry and even in endodontics might be the next big thing. This lecture gives an introduction about this fascinating way of additive manufacturing by explaining the different types of 3D printers and by showing applications, which are already implemented into daily practice (and education).

“Guided Endodontics” is one of these applications: In cases of teeth with severe pulp canal calcification and pulpitis or periapical periodontitis, a 3D printed template can be used to guide a bur minimally invasive to the orifice of the obliterated root canal. This presentation will give a detailed overview of this technique.


Thomas Connert, born in 1981, graduated from the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen (Germany) in December 2007. From the until 2014 he worked full time at the Department of Conservative Dentistry at the University of Tübingen (Head: Prof. Dr. Claus Löst) as a dentist, teacher and researcher. In 2012 he received a research fellowship of the Walter & Anna Körner Foundation and stayed at the Academic Centre of Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA) focussing on endodontic microbiology.
From 2014 until now he is an assistant professor at the University School of Dental Medicine Basel, Switzerland (Head: Prof. Roland Weiger). In the year 2016 he worked as a research fellow at the University of Würzburg, Germany focussing on „Guided Endodontics“ and fluorescence properties of composite resins.

Dr Carlos BOVEDA

The clinical application of minimally invasive concepts in endodontics on a real day basis

Clinical studies demonstrate that long term prognosis of the root filled teeth is influenced by the quality of the restoration as well as by the quality of the root canal treatment itself. The most recent trends in restoration of endodontically treated teeth are following the concept of minimally invasive dentistry, based mostly on adhesive dentistry and new materials and technologies. Following these trends, the access procedures and the root canal preparation in endodontics are changing in a conservative way, sometimes drastically if compared with the traditional concepts of cavity outline opening and coronal straight-line access to reach the apical region. Endodontic literature appears to be controversial on demonstrating how these minimal invasive access procedures can influence the quality and prognosis of root canal treatment. The present lecture will analyze the technical procedures of minimal invasive root canal treatments in different clinical situations and the possible mechanical improvements derived from it. Moreover the limits of these procedures will be critically analyzed to define how much minimal invasive clinicians should be in order to ensure gold standard endodontic treatments.

Carlos Boveda
Director, Department of Endodontics
Centro de Especialidades Odontológicas, Caracas, Venezuela
Universidad Central de Venezuela

Dr. Boveda received his DDS degree in 1990 from Universidad Central de Venezuela and his postgraduates certificates in Endodontics in 1991 from Hospital “Carlos J. Bello”, Cruz Roja Venezolana and in 1993 from Universidad Central de Venezuela. He had served from 1992 to 2009 as Invited Professor and Committee member of the postgraduate Endodontics program at the Faculty of Dentistry, Universidad Central de Venezuela. Since 1991, he has run a practice limited to Endodontics at Centro de Especialidades Odontológicas in Caracas, has been an invited professor at numerous universities in and outside of Venezuela, authored several articles and chapters of books, and has presented more than 100 invited lectures internationally. At this time, he is working on his PhD reserach project at Faculty of Dentistry Universidad Central de Venezuela

Prix international de recherche en endodontie  PAUL CALAS 2019

Décerné par la SFE

Prix de recherche de 3000 euros

Le Conseil d’administration de la SFE a mis en en place depuis 2008, un prix de recherche dédié à Paul CALAS. Ce prix d’une valeur de 3.000,00 Euros, est décerné annuellement, afin de promouvoir, aider et récompenser des chercheurs ou des équipes de recherche fondamentale et clinique en Endodontie, sur une recherche originale n’ayant pas fait l’objet de publication. Ce prix a également pour but de diffuser la recherche française et internationale en Endodontie auprès de ses membres et de toute la communauté endodontique nationale et internationale, et de créer ou de resserrer les liens entre les praticiens et les chercheurs de tous horizons. La SFE invite le lauréat à présenter publiquement les résultats de ses travaux lors du Congrès International de la SFE à Clermont Ferrand, du 20 au 22 juin 2019. Le montant du prix sera remis au lauréat après réception à la SFE d’un récépissé de soumission à publication d’un article scientifique, en rapport avec l’étude présentée, dans une revue internationale avec comité de lecture.


Tous les dossiers de candidature doivent être soumis en 3 exemplaires avant le 1er mai 2019 au Dr Alexis GAUDIN, Directeur Scientifique de la SFE, par email à

Les dossiers pris en compte devront comprendre les éléments suivants :


  1. Les détails personnels du chercheur ou des principaux chercheurs:
  • Noms et adresses, téléphone
  • Adresse e-mail du porteur de projet
  • Nom du laboratoire de recherche (et/ou affiliation)
  • Bref Curriculum Vitae
  1. Une lettre d’approbation du directeur du laboratoire de recherche
  2. Un résumé du travail de recherche formaté selon le document joint.
  3. Les recherches déjà publiées ne seront pas prises en compte.


Les candidats seront informés par courriel de la réception de leur dossier et de la recevabilité des documents sous 1 semaine, et de l’acceptation de leur candidature sous 15 jours.